Thursday 19 September 2013

The Themes Of Our Lives: Unit 1, Activity 1, Assignment 2

The Theme Of My Life
My name is Holly Rohfritsch and I am a grade 11 student.
Some important things you should know about me are
that my favourite subjects are
English, Math and Phys. ED.
I participate in many activities outside of school,
the most important one to me being soccer.
I play at the highest level of soccer available in North America
in London, Ontario.
I hope one day,
to find a career that involves
interacting with and helping others.
What I consider to be the theme of my life is
overcoming fear
and not being afraid to succeed.
Throughout my life,
I have always been one to put pressure on myself
because I don't want to let others down.
In the past two years,
what I have realized is that
if I try my best and I give it everything I've got,
that I won't be letting anyone down.
I can't let fear rule my life.
I have to conquer my greatest fears in order
to be
In my opinion, the poem I have chosen
represents the theme of my life exactly.
It states how "fear is just a state of mind" which I believe to be true.
I have created these fears in my head because
I am afraid.
As the poem goes on,
it describes the journey one must take to overcome this fear.
"Just take a deep breath then close your eyes" is exactly what
I've learned to do
to help me be successful.
In the end you realize that
you can overcome these fears and that you are
ready to take on the challenge of
overcoming your fears.
Overcoming your fear
Tell me dear
What is fear
Is it mere
A state of mind
In which you bind
Yourself so tight
That you forget to fight
And hinder your sight
But listen dear
Forget the fear
Just take a deep breath
Then close your eyes
And pray at the heavenly skies
Just think you can tame
And go for the game
May be you will scream
But will realize the dream
And feel merrier
That you overcame the barrier
Which was once your fear
But now it's no more dear
And now if someone asks
Will you fear
You will just say
Let's do it again dear.
Manoj-The Cupid, . "Overcoming Your Fear." Poems. Blogger, 28 Feb 2012. Web. 19 Sep. 2013.      <>.

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